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  • To CP1: Start at Glencairn Weddings to Control Point CP1 at Railway Line Crossing before View Climb. Support vehicles cannot follow their team along the Pevency Gravel P27-1 dirt road. 3.2km after Glencairn all support vehicles need to turn right at the Stop and follow direction detailed below. Remember normal road rules apply at all time during sani2c nonstop.

Travel Time: 36 min (38.0 km)

  • Head east out of Glencairn farm to main brick entrance gate behind the teams
  • Turn right onto Sani Pass Rd
  • All support vehicles need to stay behind the riders until the Stop
  • Travel for 3.4 km to the Stop
  • The riders continue straight over the Stop intersection
  • At the Stop all support vehicles need to turn right towards and through Himeville Village and on to Underberg for 8.7 km.
  • At the Shell garage in Underberg turn left onto R617 and travel for 23.1 km
  • Turn left off the tar R617 onto P27-1 gravel road.
  • Do not travel more than 2.6km or over the rail tracks along the P27-1.

Your riders will be approaching from the North along the P27-1 gravel road.

Check in with your team.

Take a photo at the feather banner at CP1 and WhatsApp it through to the race office.

TOP TIP: Always turn and face your vehicle in the direction you will be leaving. It is always easier to turn and face the direction you will be going before too many support vehicles arrive. CP points will get busy especially the early ones before the teams spread out CP1. Please park your vehicle off the road and leave your park lights on. Be sure to check that your riders are not over or underdressed. Take excess clothing from them if needed. Also have tools at the ready in case one of your riders has setup or similar issues with their bike. There is no need for your riders to stock up too much on food and water as you will be seeing them 15km further along the route.

RIDER BRIEFING: Riders will continue straight on the P27-1 gravel road. Unfortunately we cannot allow support vehicles to follow riders along this section of gravel road as teams will be closely bunched and the chance is high that you may become separated from your team. It will be safer to travel around and wait for your team at the railway line. Tell your riders to keep their line at potholes. Swerving to miss all potholes is dangerous in a group! No flashing red lights. All red lights to be set on solid red.

  • CP1 to CP2: CP1 Railway Line to CP2 Pevency. From CP1 all support vehicles need to travel directly to CP2 back via P27-1 and R617. Follow the route directions detailed below.

Travel Time: 12 min (12.2 km)

  • From CP1 and the Railway crossing on the P27-1 gravel road head back south on P27-1 toward R617 tar road for 6 km
  • Turn left onto R617 tar road and travel for 9.6km
  • Find CP2 Pevency on the Timber Load site on your right directly after the R612/ R617 intersection.

From CP2 you will see your rider’s lights approaching down Charlies from the North slopes of Bulwer Mountain. They will follow the fast river trail under the R617 Bridge and onto the Timber Loading depot and CP2. Check in with your team. Take a photo at the feather banner at CP2 and WhatsApp it through to the race office.

TOP TIP: You cannot follow your team from CP2 as your riders will follow the single tracks under the R612 up Big Ring Climb, Pines and Dam short Cut. All support vehicles need to travel directly to CP3 at Bulwer Station via the R612 and onto the P299.

RIDER BRIEFING:  Riders head off up View Climb, down The Ferns and into Bramble Ripper and the PG Floating Bridge. Riders have an option of riding around the floating bridge. There’s a bit of work to do up View Climb but then it is fast and easy all the way through to CP2. Riders have the option to go over the left straight floating bridge or to go around the dam.

  • CP2 to CP3: CP2 at Pevency to CP3 at Bulwer Station. You cannot follow your team from CP2 to CP3. All support vehicles need to travel directly to CP3 back via the R612 and P299 roads. This is a short drive for you. Watch out for potholes on the P299 road. There is no need for you to rush as you will have plenty of time. Your riders do a fair amount of climbing between CP2 and CP3. Follow the route directions detailed below.

 Travel Time: 6 min (5.2 km)

  • Head southwest on R617 for 50 metres toward R612/R617 intersection.
  • Turn left onto R612 and travel for 3.6km
  • Turn right onto P299 be mindful of potholes.
  • After 1.5 km along the P299 turn around and park on the road verge or timber load depot

After parking off the road facing back towards the R612 tar road you will see your team approaching over the Timber Loading Depot from the North West. Check in with your team. Take a photo at the feather banner at CP3 and WhatsApp it through to the race office.

RIDER BRIEFING:  Riders have some steady climbing to do between CP2 and CP3. Big ring climb before the route flattens and incorporates some single track before the Bulwer Station road

  • CP3 at Bulwer Station to CP4 at Donnybrook Station. You cannot follow your team from CP3. All support vehicles need to travel directly to CP4 back via the P299 and onto the R612 tar road. Follow the route directions detailed below. Remember normal road rules apply at all time during sani2c nonstop.

From CP4 at Donnybrook Station you will be required to drive behind your team with your hazard lights on escorting them along the R612 for 2.9km bypassing the small village of Donnybrook. 400 metres after the Donnybrook police station look out for a forestry road on your left. The riders route leads left off the tar R612 onto this road. NB: Support vehicles need to stay on the R612 and not follow riders into the forestry road directly after Donnybrook SAPS. Below are the detailed directions you and your riders need to follow from CP4 at Donnybrook Station for approximately 2.9km before the ride route turns left off the R612. 

Travel Time: 15 min (14.5 km)

  • Continue back North onto the P299 towards the R612 for 5 km
  • Turn right onto R612 and travel for 12,5km
  • Turn right onto a gravel road 200m before the overhead railway bridge
  • Follow this gravel road for 400 m

RIDER BRIEFING:  In an attempt to get some easy quick riding under their belts riders will skip all the single track between Bulwer and Donnybrook station. Warn them of the fast decent bypassing OG’s. They need to take it easy as there is a bend that sharpens on them at the bottom of the hill before Chestnut Alley. 

From CP4 you will see your rider’s lights approaching from the East along a small forestry track out of Qumeni Forest.

Take a photo at the feather banner at CP4 and WhatsApp it through to the race office.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Detailed directions for support vehicle escort route for the 3km directly after CP4 at Donnybrook Station.

Travel Time? Min (travel time will be depending on the speed of your riders)     (3.0 km)

  • From CP4 at Donnybrook Station head northwest back towards the R612 tar road for 400m. Please turn on your harzard lights and drive behind your team.
  • Turn right onto R612 follow behind your team escorting them with your hazard lights on. Instruct all riders to turn on their solid red rear lights
  • Head southeast on R612 for 2.5km
  • Rider route is found 400m after Donnybrook Police station on your left turning off the R612 and onto and along the forestry road.
  • CP4 to CP5: CP4 at Donnybrook Station to CP5 at Gummy Bear Gravel Road Support vehicles cannot follow your team off the tar road and into the Pine forest at this point. All support vehicles need to travel directly to CP5 at Gummy Bear via the R612 and left onto the gravel road.

Travel Time: 16 min (11.8 km) Measured from CP4 Follow the route directions detailed below.

  • Continue on track behind your riders shining headlights and with hazard lights on from CP4 for 450m back to the R612 tar road
  • Turn right onto R612 for 6.8km you will be following your team for the first 2.9km of this 6.8km. (Once you have left your team you continue on the R612 for the total of 6.8km. Support vehicles cannot follow teams off the tar road after the Police Station and into the Pine forest)
  • Turn left off the R612 tar and travel for 4.5km along the gravel road
  • Find farm road on your left coming from a timber load depot and out a gate onto the district road
  • Your riders will appear from this farm road. You should see them approaching for the last 500m.

RIDER BRIEFING:  Tell your riders to ride in front of your lights. They need to save their battery life wherever possible. This is especially important for those teams that are going to be riding back into the night.  Your riders will head off into the Pine forests and join the sani2c route below Wappo’s. They then follow the sani route all the way through Muffin Top and Gummy Bear and on through to CP5.

  • CP5 to CP6: CP5 at Gummy Bear Gravel Road to CP6 at Mackenzie Club. From CP5 you can travel with and behind your team for the next 7.6km through to Mackenzie Club and the first Official Check Point.

Travel Time:?? min This will be dependent on the speed of your team (7.6 km)

  • Continue behind or alongside (when safe to do so) your team for 3.4 km
  • Turn right at the T junction and continue for 0 km into the bottom gates of Mackenzie Country Club

From CP5 you can travel with and behind your team for the next 7.6km through to Mackenzie Club and the first Official Check Point. There are toilet facilities, hot beverages and electricity at this point.

Take this opportunity to stock your team up and allow them to drink and eat. If it is getting light at this point it maybe an opportunity to remove lights, batteries and excess clothing.

Remember to recharge lights and GPS units whenever possible.

RIDER BRIEFING: From CP5 you can travel with and behind your team for the next 7.6km through to Mackenzie Club and the first Official Check Point. There are toilet facilities, hot beverages and electricity at this point. Plan how you will recharge devices. Lights and GPS





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